A food supplement is actually nutrition in concentrated form. The supplements (nutrition) mentioned in this article can be used without objection together with the regular medication prescribed by the cardiologist for the treatment of heart failure (cardiomyopathy). When in doubt confer with your doctor.
Patients suffering from cardiomyopathy who want to follow this protocol are advised to first contact their cardiologist
Scientific Research as a basis for the treatment of heart failure (cardiomyopathy)

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Willy Witsel

What is Orthomolecular Medicine? Can it be applied to treat cardiomyopathy (heart failure)?
The heart failure treatment protocol for cardiomyopathy was developed on the basis of principles from orthomolecular medicine (alternative medicine). Now what is orthomolecular medicine? It is easily explained. "Ortho" means "good" and "molecular" is derived from molecule. So orthomolecular medicine (alternative medicine) just means medicine with "good molecules" , healing with vitamins, minerals, amino acids, enzymes and trace elements. Orthomolecular medicine tries to support the body in healing itself. It does not always work but often it does and for orthomolecular medicine, prevention is better than cure.Why do doctors and medical specialists know so little about this new treatment for Cardiomyopathy (Heart Failure)? That is also easily explained. Developing pharmaceutical medications (i. e. those that do not origenate in nature) will cost companies such as Bayer hundreds of millions of Euros, and they have to spend millions to alert medical professionals to a new medication.
Companies such as Bayer will only do this if they expect to be able to secure profits on a medication by means of patents. Orthomolecular medications cannot be patented because of their natural origins. If Bayer were to start producing L-Carnitine (a supplement for treating heart failure), spend a hundred million to put L-Carnitine on the market and millions more for seminars, they cannot secure these investments with patents. And furthermore, if they were to succeed in treating cardiomyopathy with L-Carnitine then their competitors will start producing it as well and eat away at their profits even more. Food supplements are produced by 'smaller' companies such as Pharma-Nord and Solgar. These companies can do with a narrower profit margin because of lower overhead costs. These companies make a large number of different products all over the world. It is a shame that only a small circle of (orthomolecular) doctors know about these supplements and knows how they should be applied to treat health problems, especially heart failure (cardiomyopathy).
A combination of a regular and an orthomolecular vision has the future, especially with the treatment of heart failure (cardiomyopathy).
Traditional medicine as applied by general practitioners and medical specialists is based on an attack strategy. The offensive is waged with chemical weapons (pharmaceuticals) and by means of cutting away some or all of diseased parts of the body (surgery). Traditional and orthomolecular medicine (alternative medicine) are clearly ruled by different paradigms. Where traditional medicine follows an offensive strategy, orthomolecular medicine uses a supportive strategy (by means of natural substances) where the body is aided in healing itself.At the moment these two different ways of healing do not want to be involved with each other. Orthomolecular doctors will rarely use effective pharmaceutical medication, general practitioners and medical specialists will hardly ever prescribe vitamins to cure an illness.
I think we would do much better if we could combine the two different approaches. A good example is the support of the treatment of heart failure with CoQ10, which will enable the heart to produce more bio-energy on a cellular level and dramatically reduce the complaints caused by heart failure.
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